Happy New Year Laxers! Brady’s Bunch Lacrosse (BBL) is happy to be heading back to Bradenton – this time for a clinic, BBL style!
Below are all details regarding the upcoming 2-day clinic –
Brady’s Bunch Lacrosse
Lax-n-Life Bradenton Clinic
hosted by The Manatee Wildcats!
- Who: This clinic is open to 100 players – BOYS & GIRLS Ages 7 and up!
- When: Saturday & Sunday January 20 & 21, 2018
- Where: GT Bray Park (Wildcats Field)
- 5502 33rd Ave Dr. W, Bradenton, FL. 34209
- Times: Saturday – check in 11:00am – 12pm
- Camp 12:00 – 4:00pm
- Sunday 9 – 1pm Lunch and drinks provided after!
- Cost: $66 per player paid when you register on line
- +PLUS+
- A gift card valued at $10 or greater – turned in at check in on Saturday morning. The gift cards will be donated to oncology patients at a local pediatric hospital. Visa, Gas, or chain Restaurants are most helpful to patients and their families.
To register for the clinic, use the following link –
Don’t wait! The first 75 players registered on line will receive a gift bag at check-in on the 20th!
NOTE – Registration will close Saturday January 13
We are beyond excited to announce that SOUL Lacrosse staff will be leading the girls side of the clinic! You can check out this amazing program at www.SoulLacrosse.com
For the boys, MLL Champion Ohio Machine Defenseman, Steven Waldeck will be leading the drills! Steve is a longtime friend of BBL and devotes any time he can between working and his own lax schedule to being on a Brady’s sideline!
- All clinic participates must have a valid US Lacrosse membership. You will be prompted to add your player number when registering.
- This will be a high-level lacrosse clinic with a lot of fun mixed in! Players will work in groups and receive individual instruction when needed. Shooting, passing, defensive drills, game situations – all this & more will be offered! Players will walk away with a greater lacrosse I.Q. after these 2 days with a top-level coaching staff!
- Players can also look forward to raffles, giveaways, & other surprises mixed in throughout the weekend! Brady’s Bunch Lacrosse is more than what is going on, on the field!
We look forward to seeing many on the field! Please feel free to pass this invitation to anyone interested! Reach out with any questions to Mike (Papi) at mwein@bradysbunchlacrosse.org or 602-819-0828. Limited scholarships available upon request & review.
Brady’s Bunch Lacrosse 501c(3) is a non-profit organization formed in honor of 9 year old cancer survivor, Brady Wein. Brady was diagnosed with leukemia when he was just 3 months old and has been battling every day since. He is a true warrior that has, unknowingly, taught so much to everyone around him through his fight. Brady’s Bunch aims to coach every kid in America at least once. We wish to share Brady’s story in hopes of inspiring others to be their best and recognize the privilege in playing a sport they love! In addition, BBL’s main mission is to help the 1000’s of kids battling pediatric cancer today. To learn more about Brady’s Bunch, visit www.BradysBunchLacrosse.org